Hi Guys!!
I am having trouble getting a file transfer to occur. I have been going around in circles trying to get this to work but it is giving me lots of dramas!
My Client code is:
And my server code is:
I have been banging my head against the wall with this!!!
Any and all replies/suggestions will be greatly received!!
I am having trouble getting a file transfer to occur. I have been going around in circles trying to get this to work but it is giving me lots of dramas!
My Client code is:
global WSITEon openStack put "" into WSITE open socket to WSITE with message "DONEA"end openStackon DONEA theIP put "C:\users\user\documents\FILE.tmp" into tFile put URL ("binfile:" & tFile) into temp["data"] set itemdel to "/" put the last item of tFile into temp["name"] put base64encode(arrayencode(temp)) into tAll write tAll & "file§" to socket theIP read from socket theIP with message "MESSAGES1"end DONEAon MESSAGES1 theIP theMessage read from socket theIP with message "MESSAGES1"end MESSAGES1
on openStack accept connections on port 12345 with message "CONNECT"end openStackon CONNECT theIP read from socket theIP with message "NEWMESSAGE" end CONNECTon NEWMESSAGE theIP pmsg if char -5 to -1 of pmsg is "file§" then delete char -5 to -1 of pmsg put arraydecode(base64decode(pmsg)) into temp put "C:/USERS/ADMIN/Documents/RECEIVE.tmp" into tName put temp["data"] into URL ("binfile:" & tName) end if read from socket theIP with message "NEWMESSAGE" end NEWMESSAGE
Any and all replies/suggestions will be greatly received!!
Statistics: Posted by Googie85 — Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:30 am